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From:           	"Andrew Clement" <clement@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:             	"CPI-UA" <cpi-ua@xxxxxxxxx>
Date sent:      	Thu, 11 Jan 2001 02:32:47 -0500
Subject:        	[CPI-UA]: (Fwd) The Second Kyoto Meeting on Digital Cities
Send reply to:  	cpi-ua@xxxxxxxxx

The Second Kyoto Meeting on Digital Cities
October 18-20, 2001 Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan

As a platform for community networks, information spaces using the
city metaphor are being developed in worldwide: Amsterdam, Helsinki,
Paris, Shanghai, and Kyoto, to name only some well-known examples. It is
interesting to note that digital cities have different goals: to explore a
vertical market, a public communication space, a next generation
metropolitan network, and a social information infrastructure for the 21st
century. Their different services, system architectures, and organizations
result from these different goals, and from the different social contexts
in which the digital cities emerged. This second Kyoto meeting aims at
improving our understanding of the current status and future of those
classes of systems that are covered by the concept of digital city. What
are feasible models? What do experiments teach us? What new technologies

The aim of this meeting is to encourage the activity in this field,
and to bring together both computer science and social science people
concerned with digital cities. The meeting is composed of a one-day
symposium followed by a two-day workshop. The symposium consists invited
talks and panels and is open to public. The workshop participation is by
invitation only and is limited to around 50 professionals who have made
significant contributions to the topic of the meeting. All invitees are
requested to submit papers to the workshop. All accepted papers will be
published as a volume from Springer-Verlag. You can find the
post-proceedings of the first Kyoto meeting as follows:

Toru Ishida and Katherine Isbister (Eds.),
Digital Cities: Experiences, Technologies and Future Perspectives,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1765, Springer-Verlag, 2000.

We would not like to rigorously limit the topics, however, some of the
candidate topics are listed below:

Design and Analysis Perspectives
Digital City Experiments
Community Network Experiments
User Involvement in Digital Cities and Community Networks
Organizational Models and Business Models for Digital Cities
User Studies
Visualization Technologies
Mobile Technologies
Social Interaction and Communityware

Deadline for abstract  :  May 1, 2001
Deadline for full paper: June 1, 2001
Author notification    :  Aug 1, 2001
Deadline for camera ready paper: Sept 1, 2001

Submit your abstract (ascii text) and full paper (WORD or PDF) written in
English by e-mail to submission@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We encourage
submission in Springer Lecture Note Series format. The length of the paper
is recommended to be 12 to 15 pages long in the format. (See "publication"
below and/or Springer LNCS home page:
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html) Surface mail address, email
addresses should be included for all contributing authors.

Symposium Chair: Toru Ishida (Kyoto University, Japan)
Workshop Chairs: Peter van den Besselaar (University of Amsterdam)
                 Makoto Tanabe (JST Digital City Research Center)

For further information, please visit


Prof. Dr. Peter Mambrey
GMD-German National Research Center for Information Technology
D-53754 St. Augustin, Germany
Phone: +49-2241-142710; Fax: +49-2241-142084; E-mail: mambrey@xxxxxx

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George Lessard, living @ 61.10N 94.05W
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find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot... 
"If you think you are too small to make a difference, 
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..." African Proverb
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(Benjamin Disraeli) 

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