(Xchange) mailinglist
information&communication channel


(!) announcements
about new audio/radio links & live-streams,
live-broadcasting time-tables, net.audio projects, events, etc.

(>) discussions;
about radio development in the internet
information exchange and research on using different softwares
rea-time broadcasting & audio archiving in the net

(<) publishing
the texts:
about net.audio/radio and not only, - poetry, short abstracts,
songs, pictures, proposals, suggestions, etc. are very welcome!)

(X) collaboration
with other co-mailinglists:
weekly-monthly editions (info about new audio & radio links
(URLs + brief descriptions), events, texts) will be X-posted to
other mailinglists and on the Xchange web-site:

net.audio (Xchange) network
A C O U S T I C . S P A C E

(x) for alternative non-commercial internet broadcasters and
individual audio content providers
(x) on exchange and linking-up of audio content within the net.space
(x) on development towards a net.audio network community

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(a) (c) (o) (u) (s) (t) (i) (c) ( ) (s) (p) (a) (c) (e)
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xchange search/webarchive: http://xchange.re-lab.net/a/